
Our team was formed in 1998, at the dawn of Forex Industry and Internet trading development. We have been studying up-to-date trends in this area, analyzing market, developing trading strategies and theories, and regularly applying all of our obtained knowledge and skills on practice. Therefore, on the question "Who are we?" we are able to answer without any exaggeration: "We are the team of professionals, Forex traders and analysts from all over the world. We have an enormous experience in technical and fundamental analysis. We know all the details of Forex from the inside and outside out". And now, starting from 2012, we have joined our forces to create an on-line project GAINSY.COM, generating all the knowledge and skills in order to change the world of Forex for the better and joining together our hands with You to make a step into the new era of an honest, transparent and profitable Forex trading, in the era of GAINSY.


We are practitioners. We have felt all the difficulties of Forex trading on our back, nevertheless we have managed to take profit. You can have thousands of teachers, but be sure that only those who have already earned, are earning now and will be earning in future are able to teach you how to make real money. Believe practitioners! Practice brings dividends in the form of Ferrari, theory brings bad eyesight, bald spot and diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Applying knowledge and skills on practice You will certainly achieve success. But if you join your success with the success of others, as a result you will become a hundred times successful. Ask questions on forums, answer to other people's questions, share your practical experience and gain knowledge and skills from the experience of others. Do not be afraid to ask questions, do not be afraid to seem ignorant or ridiculous - our team of experts will always help you. Our belief and principle of work is in cooperating together in order to create a synergistic effect. Synergy – is the key to success, and the guarantee of your income, synergy - is GAINSY.COM.


Hundreds of brokerage companies will claim that Forex trading is an easy thing. But only we can tell you the truth. In order to earn on Forex knowledge is needed. It can be obtained through your trials and mistakes, but also you can gain it from us. We know all the incredible secrets of Forex. We know how to trade Forex and how to keep your profits, and this includes both technical and fundamental analysis, and the psychology of trading, and a deep and complex understanding of Forex market as a whole. All that we know, and even more, will be regularly published on the website GAINSY.COM, we always answer to all your questions, and support in difficult times.